
Find all our audio, light & rigging products in our webshop. Seen a product on our social channels? Contact us for actual stock updates.

We trade high quality pro audio occasions worldwide

With our team of professionals we buy and sell high quality professional audio occasions. After the past years we build a network of international connections. All the products in our store are secure and fully checked by our technical repair service. Every product is tested well before we advertise in our store. Since 2022 we have a new showroom where our visitors can try out and demo our systems.

Trusted from shop to delivery

What we do before you buy

Our products used in europe and beyond...

Sell your gear today

We buy professional audio equipment.Complete audio systems, line array's or a whole company inventory, get your price inquiry at VDW Trading. For a specific price send us a list of products. Also, add a discription of the technical and visual condition per single product. If you have questions feel free to contact us.